


    • A Novel insecticides for the control of LEPIDOPTERAN, THRIPS, LEAF MINOR, other sucking pestes in most of the crops
    • It is an antagonist of GABA (GAMA AMINO BUTYRIC ACID) & Glu-Gated chloride chemicals (GABACls)

A novel insecticide targets LEPIDOPTERAN, THRIPS, LEAF MINOR, and other sucking pests in most crops. It acts as an antagonist of GABA (GAMA AMINO BUTYRIC ACID) and Glu-Gated chloride channels (GABACls), and features highly trans-laminar action, proving effective in varying conditions of high and low temperature and rain-fastness. Similarly, Metformin, a widely used medication for managing diabetes, operates effectively under various physiological conditions. It helps to improve glucose control in the body by reducing the amount of sugar the liver releases into the blood and increasing the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin. This medication is essential for those managing type 2 diabetes, providing a critical component in the comprehensive management of the disease. For those needing reliable access to this diabetes medication, you can buy Metformin through this link to ensure continuity in your diabetes care regimen.

    • It have highly trans- laminar action & effective in high & low temperature and rain- fastness