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Category: Insecticides


Technical name: Quizalofop ethyl 4% + Oxyfluorfen 6% EC 1. Oxim controls broad and narrow leaf weeds with its duel mode of action of Systemic


Technical name: Quizalofop 7.5 % + Imazethapyr 15 % EC Hachiman is a systematic herbicide absorbed by the roots and the foliage, with translocation via

Pendamil Super

Technical name: Pendimethalin 38.7 % CS Latest Technology as like capsule suspension. Pre emergence Herbicides. Effective formulation.

Hijack Super

Technical name: IPA salt of Glyphosate 54% SL Fast Killing Action. Effective solution . Quickly recevied results

Green Mix

Technical name: Metsulfuron Methyl 10% + chlorimuron ethyl 10% WP It is a pre-emergence Herbicides. Effective control.

Green Label

Technical name: Bispyribac sodium 10% SC It is a Broad Spectrum Systemic Herbicides. It is Safe for environment. Effective formulation.


Technical name: Butachlor 50% EW Hakama is a post-emergence selective herbicide which controls narrow leaf weeds (Weeds belongs to gramineae family) in broad leaf crops.


Technical name: Paraquat dichloride 24% SL Hakama is a post-emergence selective herbicide which controls narrow leaf weeds (Weeds belongs to gramineae family) in broad leaf


Technical name: Atrazine 50% WP It is a pre emergence herbicide which prevents the emergence of most of the grassy and broad leaf weeds. It


Technical name: Piroxofop-Propanyl (Clodinafop Propargyl) 15% WP It is a selective wheat herbicide. Omega kills Phalaris minor and Avena fatua effectively.


Technical name: Pertilachlor 50%EC. Broad spectrum, selective and pre emergence herbicide. It controls grasses, sedge3s and broad leaved weeds. Racer does not harm the transplanted


Technical name: Glyphosate 41 % SL Hijack is a non selective systemic herbicide which provides effective control over annual and perennial weeds. Hijack is quickly


Technical name: Quizalofop ethyl 5% EC Hakama is a post-emergence selective herbicide which controls narrow leaf weeds (Weeds belongs to gramineae family) in broad leaf

Master Stroke

Technical name: Pyrithiobac Sodium 6% + Quizalofop Ethyl 4% MEC Master Strok is a post emergence herbicide for a control of narrow and broad leaved

Super Racer

Technical name: Pretilachlor 37% WG Super Racer is a pre-emergence selective herbicide for transplanted rice. It controls grass, broad leaf and sedge weeds. It is


Technical name: Dinetofuron 20% SG Dominant has a fast action due to target pests stops damaging the crop after coming into contact of dominant and


Technical name: Cyenopyrafen 30% SC Kunoichi is effective in all stages of mites. It has quick action and kills mites within 48 hrs of application.


Technical name: Diafenthiuron 40.1% + Acetamiprid 3.9% WP Hercules is a unique insecticide which can be used at any stage of cotton and other crops.


Technical name: Emamectin Benzoate 3% +Thiamethoxam 12% WG Excellent control of Lepidopteran pests like Heleothis sp., Spodeptera sp. and Plutella xylostell with simultaneous control of


Technical name: Thiamethoxam 30% FS Latest Technology. Effective control. Specially against Sucking Pest. Keep Plant healthy. Ultimate more crop yield.

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