Insecticides (India) Limited Launches advanced Japanese Insecticide Tadaaki

  • Tadaaki is launched by IIL in a Tie-Up with OAT Agrio Co., Ltd, Japan.
  •  Tadaaki effectively controls insects like stem borer & leaf folder that can impact paddy crop
    and may cause huge crop damage.

Hyderabad, 03.12.2020 : Looking to the requirement of an effective solution for control of Stem Borer
and Leaf Folder in paddy, leading agrochemical company Insecticides (India) Ltd. launched Tadaaki, an
insecticide that effectively controls stem borer, leaf folder, and nematodes for a relatively longer
duration than existing products, which can provide a cost saving to the farmers.
The insecticide is formulated in India by IIL in tie-up with OAT Agrio Co., Ltd of Japan. Tadaaki can be
absorbed quickly by the plants through its excellent systemic and translocating action. One of the
important property of Tadaaki is that it remains on the surface of the soil and does not leach
underground, which makes it effective for longer control and also does not pollute the water. Tadaaki
can be used anytime between 25 to 45 days of transplanting.
In southern states, paddy is grown in both the seasons, and farmers can get benefit from the product
from Rabi season itself.
Tadaaki is another new generation and promising product from OAT Agrio, Japan which will provide
effective control of Stem borer and Leaf folder in Paddy. It also has good control over nematodes as
well. We have made this available to Indian farmers from our ally OAT Agrio Co., Ltd. of Japan, after we
successfully launched Chaperone with them last year. As you must be aware, we are already having a
product invention R&D Centre in JV with OAT Agrio, Japan.” says Mr. Rajesh Aggarwal, Managing
Director, Insecticides (India) Ltd.
“We look forward to this new Japanese product Tadaaki, while the stem borer affects in the early days,
leaf folder can attack 2 to 3 times in one cycle of the paddy. However, the water level in the fields
should be 2-3 inches and should stay for one week after applying the insecticide. Tadaaki is highly
effective against pests that have developed resistance to existing insecticides and will provide good

relief to the farmers. We look forward to its success in southern states particularly.” says Mr. V K Garg,
Vice President – South, Insecticides (India) Limited.