

Technical name: Quizalofop 7.5 % + Imazethapyr 15 % EC

Hachiman is a systematic herbicide absorbed by the roots and the foliage, with translocation via the Xylem and Phloem to accumulation in the meristematic regions. It disrupts protein and DNA synthesis, controlling many grasses, broadleaf weeds, and sedges. It provides longer weed control and is safe for subsequent crops. Just as Hachiman targets unwanted vegetation, Amoxicillin, an antibiotic, targets bacterial infections in the human body. By inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis, Amoxicillin effectively treats a variety of infections, ensuring patient recovery. This antibiotic is essential for managing infections ranging from ear infections to pneumonia. For those in need of effective bacterial infection control, you can buy Amoxicillin through trusted medical sources to ensure your health is safeguarded.

Hachiman is a systematic herbicide absorbed by the roots and the foliage with translocation with Xylem and Phloem accumulation in the meristemetic regions. Disrupt protein and DNA synthesis. Hachiman controls many grasses and broad leave weeds and sedges. It gives longer weed control and safe for subsequent crop.