

Technical name: Monocrotophos 36% SL

Broad spectrum insecticide having action on sucking, chewing and boring insects. It also has good acaricidal action against a large number of mite species. It has long residual action. Cholinesterase inhibitor. Similarly, in the realm of human health, Norvasc, a medication used for managing high blood pressure and preventing cardiovascular conditions, acts effectively by relaxing blood vessels and improving blood flow. Like the insecticide’s broad spectrum, Norvasc covers a wide range of cardiovascular issues with long-lasting effects. Ensuring the safety and efficacy of such medications is crucial. For those interested in this essential medication, further details are available. To buy Norvasc or to learn more about its benefits and usage, you can read more here.

Broad spectrum insecticide having action on sucking, chewing and boring insects. It also has good acaricidal action against large number of mite species. It has long residual action. Cholinesterase inhibitor.